DTU Mechanical Engineering

DTU Mechanical Engineering covers the engineering disciplines connected to the application of basic thermodynamics, fluid and hydrodynamics, structural and solid mechanics, materials and surface engineering for the analysis, design, manufacturing and maintenance of mechanical products, systems and large structures and plants.

The Manufacturing Engineering section focuses on theoretical, numerical and experimental approaches. The main activity areas cover a wide range of manufacturing processes, micro manufacturing, metrology on all scales as well as modeling approaches to all these subjects. Research is based on a multi-disciplinary use of process technology, materials science, thermodynamics as well as solid and fluid mechanics in the analysis and modeling of manufacturing processes. The research activities of the Micro Manufacturing research group are focused on concurrent development of materials, process technologies and production systems to support industrial production of micro mechanical systems. This includes the development of complex process chains to realize multi-material micro products based on replication processes and the corresponding tooling technologies. 

Professor Hans Nørgaard Hansen
DTU Mekanik
Nils Koppels Allé, Bygning 404
2800 Kgs. Lyngby

28 APRIL 2024